

One Billion Rising: Eve Ensler & Kimberle Crenshaw on Global Movement to End Violence Against Women (February 2014)

– Interview –

A movement is growing worldwide to stop violence against women and girls. One Billion Rising for Justice will take place on February 14, Valentine’s Day, in more than 200 countries worldwide, focusing on the issue of justice for all survivors of gender violence and the impunity that protects perpetrators all over the world.


Eve Ensler of George Stroumboul­opoulos (May 2013)

– Interview –

Eve Ensler is in the red chair. Eve created ‘The Vagina Monologues’, a show that was all about giving women a voice about their bodies and their sexuality. It became a huge hit, and Eve used its popularity to help launch V-Day, an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the horrors of rape and fistula, a condition that is rarely discussed.